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Diversion Order - Under Negotiable Bill Of Lading


Date: [Date of notice]

[First Name of person being notified] [Last Name of person being notified]
[Title of person being notified]
[Company of person being notified]
[Address of person being notified]
[City of person being notified], [State of person being notified]
[Zip Code of person being notified]

Dear [Mr./Mrs.] [Last Name of person being notified]:


RE: Negotiable bill of lading

Dated: [Date of bill of lading]
Number: [Number of bill of lading]
Issued to: [Issued to]
Consigned to the order of: [Consigned to the order of]

The undersigned holder of negotiable bill of lading no. [Number of bill of lading], dated [Date of bill of lading], issued by you to [Name of original party], covering goods described in the bill of lading as [Description of goods], hereby instructs you to disregard the original instructions as to place of delivery and recipient on the bill and to divert and deliver the goods to [New delivery receiver], of [New Shipment Address], [New Shipment city], [New Shipment state], at [New Shipment location].

The undersigned is in possession of the above described bill of lading and is prepared, on your reasonable request, to exhibit such document to you and to surrender such document to you for notation of diversion. The undersigned will pay all reasonable costs and charges of diversion, if any, on demand from you, and warrants that [he or she] is a holder of the bill authorized to effect such a diversion or reconsignment and shall indemnify and hold you harmless for any loss, damage, or expenses in the event the diversion or reconsignment is challenged.

[Name of holder of negotiable bill]
